
Värikirjallisuutta 1800-l


Venturi, G. B. Indagine fisica sui colori (Modena 1800)


Young, Thomas on the theory of light and colours (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 92 I, 1801 1802?)


Young, Thomas An account of some cases of the production of colours, not hitherto described (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 92 II, 1802)


Rumford, T. B. Recherche sur la couleur (Pariisi 1804)

Tingry, F The painter and varnisher's guide (G Kearsley, Lontoo 1804)


Gartside, M An Essay on Light and Shade, on Colours and on Composition in General (Lontoo 1805)


Åbo Tidningar Om mjölkens nytta i mÅlning (15/1806)


Sowerby, James A new elucidation of colours, original, prismatic and material (Lontoo 1809)


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Zur Farbenlehre

Runge, Philipp Otto Die Farbenkugel, oder Konstruktion des Verhältnisses aller Mischungen der Farben zu einander, und ihrer vollständigen Affinität (F. Perthes, Hampuri 1810)


Pincot, John Pincot's Treatise on the Practical Part of Coach & House Painting (J Bailey, Lontoo n. 1811)


Cocq M Memoire sur la fabrication et l'emploi de l'orseille (Annales de chimie, Pariisi 1812)

Reynolds, Hezekiah Directions for House and Ship Painting (Eli Hudson, New Haven 1812)


Werner, Abraham G. Werner's nomenclature of colors (William Blackwell and T. Caddell, Lontoo 1814)


Schopenhauer, Arthur ber das Sehn und die Farben


Bentley, Thos. Prospectus of the Various Paints for the Preservation of all Work Exposed to the Weather and the Interior of Houses, Manufactured Exclusively by Thos. Bentley (Thomas Wood, Lontoo 1817)

Field, George Chromatics, or, an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours (Lontoo 1817)


Reade, Joseph Experimental outlines for a new theory of colours, light and vision (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Lontoo 1818)


Watin, Jean-Felix Art du peintre, doreur et vernisseur: ouvrage utile aux proprietarires ou locataires qui veulent decorer eux-m (Belin-Leprieur, Pariisi 1819)


Field, George Aesthetics, or, The analogy of the sensible sciences indicated: with an appendix on light and colors (G. Field, Lontoo 1820)


Syme, Patrick Nomenclature of Colours


Herschel, John on the absorption of light by coloured media, and on the colours of the prismatic spectrum exhibited by certain flames (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh XII 1823)

Von Liebig, Justus Sur une couleur verte (Annales de chimie XXIII 1823) [schweinfurtinvihreä]

Partridge W A Practical treatise on dying of woolen, cotton, and skein silk with the manufacture of broadcloth and cassimere, including the most improved methods in the West of England. H. Wallis, New York 1823; faksimile Pasold Research Fund Ltd, Eddington 1973 (J de L Mannin esittely, K G Pontingin huomautukset)


Parker M The Arcana of Arts and Sciences (J Grayson, USA 1824)


Purkinje, Johann Beobachtungen und Versuch zur Physiologie der Sinne


Hayter, Charles A new practical treatise on the three primary colours (Lontoo 1826)


Poppe, Johann Heinrich Moritz Geschichte aller Erfindungen und Entdeckungen im Bereich der Gewerbe, Künste und Wissenschaften von der frühesten Zeit bis auf unsere Tage (1828)


Leuchs J C Trait complet des proprits, de la prparation et de l'emploi des matires tinctoriales et des couleurs (De Malher, Pariisi 1829)

Oulun Wiikko-Sanomia Kaunis maali puuhuoneille (20/1829)

Robiquet P Essai analytique des lichens de l'orseille (Annales de Chimie Pariisi 1829)

Vanherman, T H Every Man his own House-Painter and Colourman (I F Setchel, Lontoo 1829)


Mérimée, J-F L De la Peinture l'huile (Mme. Huzard, Pariisi 1830)

Prechtl, Johann Joseph Technologische Encyklopädie (1830 - 1861)

Robiquet P Essai analytique des lichens de l'orseille (Annales scientifique de l'Auvergne 1830)

Schopenhauer, Arthur Theoria colorum physiologica (Redam, Leipzig 1830)

Tingry, Pierre Francois Painter's and Colourman's Complete Guide (Sherwood, Gilbert &Piper, Lontoo 1830)


Brewster, David on a new analysis of solar light, indicating three primary colours, forming coincident spectra of equal lenght (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh XII 1831)

Pelouze, Edmond Secrets modernes des arts et métiers (1831 - 1840)


Dubois M l'Abbe Essai sur les plantes tinctoriales de l'Auvergne (Annales scientifiques de l'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 1833)

Neil, J W The art of making copal and spirit varnishes (Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, vol. XLIX, Lontoo 1833)

Schrader, Hermann Utförlig handbok i färgkonsten; eller anvisning att efter de bästa och varaktigaste metoder fàrga så väl lös ull, ullgarn och ylletyger, som bomull, linne och silke af alla slag; jemte särskilta föreskrifter för bedömandet af färgstofternas godhet och beskaffenhet, samt förklaring öfvor alla i färgkonsten förekommande konstord och manipulationer, af..., konst- och skönfärgare i Hamburg. Mod foretal och anmärkningar af d:r S. F. Hormbstädt. Geheimeråd, professor i teknologien vid universitetet i Berlin, riddare af röda örns orden, m. m. Förra delen. Yllofàrgning. Sednare delen. Färgning af bomull, linne och silke. Thordsonska, Tukholma 1833


Fechner, Gustav T Elemente der Psychophysik (Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1834)


Field, George Chromatography or a treatise on colours and pigments (Charles Tilt, Lontoo 1835; Tilt and Bogue, Lontoo 1841; Winsor and Newton, Ltd. 1885)

Robiquet H Neue Beobachtungen ber das Orcin (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 15, 1835)

Robiquet H Nouvelles Observations sur l'Orcine (Annales de Chimie et de Physique 58, 1835)


Portal, P P Frederic de Des couleurs symboliques dans l'antiquit, le moyen ge et les temps modernes (Treuttel et Wurz, Pariisi 1837)


Brewster, David A treatise on optics (Lea & Blanchard, Lontoo & Philadelphia 1838)

Dumas J Neue Beobachtungen ber das Orcin (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 27 1838)

Fechner, Gustav T ber eine Scheibe zur Erzeugung subjectiver Farben (Annalen der Physik, 2. sarja 45 (15) 1838)

Howard, Frank Colour as a means of art (Lontoo 1838)


Chevreul, M E De la loi du contraste simultan des couleurs et de l'assortment des objets colors (Pitois-Levrault, Pariisi 1839); englanniksi The principles of harmony and contrast of colours (Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, Lontoo 1854)

Fielding, TH on painting in oil and water colours, for landscape and portraits (Ackermann & Co, Lontoo 1839)

Merime, J F L The art of painting in oil, and in fresco (Whitakker & Co, Lontoo 1839)


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Materialien zur Geschichte der Farbenlehre, Zur Farbenlehre (2 vols. Cotta, Tübingen; englanninkielinen käännös Charles Lock Eastlake: Goethe's theory of colours. Murray, Lontoo 1840. Uusintapainos mm. Goethe's color theory. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1971)

Potter, Alonzo The principles of science applied to the domestic and mechanic arts (1840)


Berthollet C L & Berthollet A B Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching (Thomas Tegg, Lontoo 1841)

Field, George Chromatography; or, A treatise on colours and pigments, and of their powers in painting (Tilt and Bogue, Lontoo 1841)


Perrottet, G S Art de l'indigotier: ou Traite des indigoferes tinctoriaux et de la fabrication de l'indigo (Ve Bouchard-Huzard, Pariisi 1842)

Schunck E on some of the substances contained in the Lichens employed for the preparations of Archil and Cudbear (Chemical Society Memoirs 1, 1842)

Schunck E Vorläufige Notiz ber einige farbstoffgebende Substanzen der Flechten (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 41, 1842)


An American Artist. Handbook of young artists and amateurs in oil painting (Wiley and Putnam, New York 1845)

Field, George Chromatics: or, the analogy, harmony, and philosophy of colours (Bogue, Lontoo 1845)

Hay, David R A nomenclature of colours, hues, tints and shades (Edinburgh 1845)

Hay, David RThe principles of beauty in colour systematized (William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh 1845)

Schunck E ber die Bestandtheile der Lecanora Parella (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 54, 1845)


Hay, David R A Nomenclature of Colours Applicable to the Arts and Natural Sciences, to Manufactures, and other Purposes of General Utility (2. painos William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & Lontoo: 1846)


Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock Materials for a history of oil painting, vol. 1 (Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, Lontoo 1847)

Hay, David R The laws of harmonius colouring, adapted to interior decorations ( William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & Lontoo 1847)

Schrader, Hermann Nyasto upptäckter i färgkonsten. En samling af på sednare åren uppfunna methoder att anbringa do varaktigasto och vackrasto färger på yllo, bomull och silke; af..., konst- och skön färgare i Berlin. Öfversättning. Elm.&Gr, Tukholma 1847.


Gonfreville M D Art de la teinture des laines: en toison, en fil et en tissu (E Lacroix, Pariisi 1848)


Templeton, J S The guide to oil painting (G Rowney & Co, Lontoo 1849)


Field, George Rudiments of the painter's art; or, A grammar of colouring applicable to operative painting, decorative architecture, and the arts (John Weale, Lontoo 1850)


Jones, O An attempt to define the principles which should regulate the employment of colour in the decorative arts (G. Barclay, Lontoo 1852)

Linton, William James Ancient and modern colors from the earliest periods to the present time: with their chemical and artistical properties (Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, Lontoo 1852)


Grassmann, Hermann Gnter Zur Theorie der Farbenmischung (Poggendorf Annalen der Physik und Chemie 89 1853); englanninkielinen on the Theory of Compound Colors (Philosophical Magazine (45) 1854)

Petzold, Eduard Zur Farbenlehre der Landschaft (Jena 1853; uudelleenpainos Verlag Brn, Rsselsheim 1991)

Redgrave, R. An elementary manual of colour, with a Catechism: to be used with the diagram illustrating the harmonious relations of colour (Chapman and Hall, Lontoo 1853)

Syreeni, O Standards for colours and basic colour substances (Helsinki 1853)

Teknisk Tidskrift Finsk anstrykningsfärg (2/1853)

Teknisk Tidskrift Om beredning af torkande fernissa/Siccatif/ för mÅlning med zinkhwitt (9/1853)


Lindsay W L Experiments on the Dyeing Properties of Lichens (The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 57 1854)

Weiss, T H Maalaus ja Petsaus oppi-kirja (Oulu, 1854)


Anteckningar i LandthushÅllningen 1850 (Wiborg 1855) [sisältää mm. kalkkimaalin ohjeen]

Delf, Thomas The principles of colouring in painting (Winson & Newton, Lontoo n. 1855)

Lindsay W L The Dyeing Properties of Lichens (The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 2 1855)

Maalaus- ja petsauskirja 1854

Maxwell, James Clerk Experiments on colour as perceived by the eye, with remarks on colourblindness (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh XXI 2 1855)

Wilson, George (ed.) Researches on colour blindness (Edinburgh 1855)

älykäs emäntä sisältäwä wähäisen, mutta päälleluotettavan wärikirjan, jossa neuvotaan 20 ernäistä wäriä painamaan SKS, Oulu


Guinon, Marnas & Bonnet Expose historique des travaux relatif aux materieres colourantes des lichens (Pariisi 1856)

Lindsay W L A popular history of British lichens: comprising an account of their structure, reproduction, uses, distribution and classification (Lovell Reeve, Lontoo 1856)

Manninen, Antero Koti-Maalari. Muutamia neuwoja maamiehille kaikenlaisista sekä öljy että wesi- ja maito-maalauksista ja lakeeraamisista. Helsinki 1856 (+1872, 1880, 1886, 1897, 1904)

Maxwell, James Clerk Theory of the perception of colours (Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts 4 1856)


Maxwell, James Clerk Account of experiments on the perception of colour (Philosophical Magazine)


Gladstone, W E Homer's Perceptions and Use of Colour (kirjassa Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age vol. 3, Oxford University Press 1858)

Guinon, Marnas & Bonnet Expose historique des travaux relatif aux materieres colourantes des lichens (Pariisi 1858)


Martel, C on the materials used in painting, with a few remarks on varnishing and cleaning pictures (G Rowney and Co, Lontoo 1859)


Maxwell, James Clerk Theory of Compound Colors and the Relations of the Colors in the Spectrum (Proceedings of the Royal Society, Lontoo 1860)

Oulun Wiikko-Sanomia Wesilasista, jonka laatua ja hyötyä wielä harwat lukijoistamme tietäwät (2-3/1860)


Burnet, J Landscape painting in oil colours, explained in letters on the theory and practice of the art (James S. Vertue, Lontoo 1861)

Chevreul, M E Expos d'un moyen de dfinir et nommer les couleurs, d'aprs une mthode prcise et exprimentale (Mem. de l'Institut, Acadmie des Sciences XXXIII, Pariisi 1861)


de Claubry G Sur la preparation de l'orseille (Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences 1861)

de Luynes V Sur les principes contenus dans les lichens a orseille (Lecons de chimie professees de 1860 a 1869 inclus Societe chimique de Paris 5 1861-1870)


de Luynes V Sur la preparation industrielle de l'orcine (Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement 1863)

Wundt, Wilhelm Vorlesungen ber die Menschen- und Tierseele


Chevreul, M E Des couleurs et de leurs applications aux arts industriels l'aide des cercles chromatiques (Ballire, Pariisi 1864)


Schützenberger, M P Recherches sur les matires colorantes de la garance (Bulletin de la Socit Chimique de Paris 4, 1865)


Brücke, Ernest Die Physiologie der Farben fr die Zwecke der Kunstgewerbe (Leipzig 1866; 2. painos Hirzel Verlag, Leipzig 1887)

Helmholtz, Hermann L F Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik (Verlag von Leopold Voss, Hamburg 1866); käännetty englanniksi Treatise on physiological optics (The Optical Society of America, 1924-1925; uusintajulkaisu Dover, New York 1962)


Blanc, Charles Grammaire des arts du dessin

Geiger, L Ueber den Farbensinn der Urzeit (Frankfurt 1867)

Schtzenberger P Trait des matires colorantes, comprenant leurs applications la teinture et l'impression, et des notices sur les fibres textiles, et l'paississants, les mordants (Vol. 1 Pariisi 1867)


Benson, William Principles of the Science of Colour (Lontoo 1868)

Roesler, R. Zur Etymologie der Farbenbezeichnungen auf dem romanischer Sprachgebiete (Wien 1868)


Louis, Mathey Maalaus- ja Kiillotus-taide (Pori 1869 +1876) [sisältää mm. kalkkimaalin ohjeen]


Field, George Rudiments of colours and of colouring, with the nature of pigments for the use of decorative artists, painters, etc (Strahen, Lontoo 1870)

Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt) on the light from the sky: its polarization and colour


Church, Arthur Herbert Colour, an elementary manual (Lontoo 1871)

Geiger, L. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit (Stuttgart 1871); käännetty englanniksi Contributions to the History of the Development of the Human Race (Trbner, Lontoo 1880)

Radloff, W Die Hausthiere der Kirgisen (Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie 3 1871)


Geiger, L. Ursprung und Entwickelung der menschlichen Sprache und Vernunft (2 vols.,Cotta, Stuttgart 1872)

Keski-Suomi Helppo ja kestäwä maali puurakennuksia warten (21/1872)

Maxwell, James Clerk on colour vision (Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 6 1872)


Bezold, Wilhelm von Ueber das Gesetz der Farbenmischung und die physiologischen Grundfarben (Poggendorf Annalen 150 1873)

Moore, R Artizans' guide and everybody's assistant : containing over three thousand new and valuable receipts and tables (John Lovell, Montreal 1873)

Sully, T Hints to young painters, and the process of portrait painting as practiced by the late Thomas Sully (J M Stoddard & Co, Philadelphia 1873)


Bezold, Wilhelm von Die Farbenlehre in Hinblick auf Kunst und Kunstgewerbe (Braunschweig 1874); käännetty englanniksi The theory of color in its relation to art and art-industry (L. Prang and Co., Boston 1876)

Riffault, M & Vergnaud, M & Toussaint A practical treatise on the manufacture of colours for painting (Henry Carey Baird, Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle, Philadelphia & Lontoo 1874)

Wundt, Wilhelm Grundzge der physiologischen Psychologie


Liebermann C ber Orcen (Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft 7 1874)


Calvert F C Dyeing and Calico Printing (Simpkin, Marshall & Co, Lontoo 1876)

Rabe, K. A. Kotiwärjäri. Neuwoja uusimmilla tawoilla painamaan willaista, pumpulia ja silkkiä ynnä walkaisemisesta ja pesusta ja wäriaineiden tuntomerkit. Suomennos. Yleishyödyllinen käsikirjasto N.o 8. Helsingissä 1876.


Gladstone, W E The Colour Sense (Nineteenth Century 2, 1877)

Holmgren, Alarik F. Om Färbenblindheten i dess FörhÅllande till Jernvögstrafken och Sjöväsendet (E. Berlings, Uppsala 1877); käännetty ranskaksi De la ccit des couleurs dans ses rapports avec les chemins de fer et la marine (Imprimerie Central, Tukholma 1877)

Krause, E Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Farbensinnes (Kosmos, 1 1877)

Magnus, Hugo Die Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Farbensinnes (Von Veit, Leipzig 1877)

Rabe, Carl Arvid Hemfärgaren. Carlshamn 1877


Andree, R. ber den Farbensinn der Naturvölker (Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie, 10 1878)

Babbit, Edwin D The principles of light and color (1878); myöhemmin Faber Birren: (New Hyde Park, University Books, New York 1967)

Fick, Adolf Zur Theorie der Farbenblindheit (Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Wrzburger Hochschule IV, Lieferung 1878)

Gladstone, W. E. Der Farbensinn mit besonderer Berchsichtigung der Farbenkenntniss des Homer (Breslau 1878)

Hering, Ewald Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne (Carl Gerold's Sohn, Wien 1878); käännetty englanniksi Outlines of a theory of light sense (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1964)

Kries, Johannes von Contribution to the physiology of visual sensations (Archiv fr Anatomie und Physiologie, Physiology section, 2 1878)

Virchow, R In Berlin anwesenden Nubier (Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie 10 1878)

Weise, O Die Farbenbezeichnungen der Indogermanen (Beitrge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, 2 1878)


Allen, Grant The colour-sense, its origins and development (Trubner & Co., Lontoo 1879)

Gatschett, A S Adjectives of Color in Indian Languages (American Naturalist 13 1879)

Kirchhoff, A Ueber Farbensinn und Farbenbezeichnung der Nubier (Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie 11 1879)

Magnus, Hugo Die methodische Erziehung des Farbensinnes (Kern, Breslau 1879)

Marty, Anton Die Frage Nach der Geschichtlichen Entwickelung des Farbensinnes (Drud un Verlag von Carl Gerlod's Sohn, Wien 1879)

Rolfe, Clapton Crabb Ancient use of liturgical colors (Parker, Oxford 1879)

Rood, Ogden Nicholas Student's textbook of color; tai Modern chromatics (Appleton, New York 1879); uudessa painoksessa Faber Birrenin huomatuksia (Van Nostrand, New York 1973)


Black, W G on Colour in Folk-Medicine (The Antiquary vol.1, 1880)

Magnus, Hugo Untersuchungen ber den Farbensinn der Naturvölker (F. Fisher, Jena 1880)


Colenso, William on the fine perception of colours possessed by the ancient Maoris (Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 14, 1882)

Condit, Charles Painting and Painters' Materials (The Railroad Gazette, New York 1882)

Field, George Grammar of colouring applied to decorative painting and the arts (Crosby Lockwood & Co., Lontoo 1882)

Muckley, William A handbook for painters and art students on the character, nature and use of colours (Lontoo 1882)


Almquist, E. Studien ber den Farbensinn der Tschuktschen (Die Wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Vega-Expedition vol. 1, Brockhaus, Leipzig 1883)

Stenbäck, J Villatavarain värjäämisestä (Suomen teollisuuslehti 4, 1883)

Haldane, Robert Workshop Receipts For Manufacturers and Scientific Amateurs (Lontoo 1883)

Hopkins, E W Words for Color in the Rig Veda (American Journal of Philology 4 1883)

Magnus, Hugo ber ethnologische Untersuchungen des Farbensinnes (Carl Habel, Berliini 1883)

Price, Thomas R The color-system of Vergil (American Journal of Philology 4, 1883)


McCrea, Nelson G Ovid's use of colour and of colour-terms (kirjassa Classical Studies in Honour of Henry Brisler, MacMillan, New York / Lontoo 1884)


Field, George Chromatography: A treatise on colours and pigments for the use of artists (Winsor and Newton Ltd, Lontoo 1885)

Furrell, J W Light from the East on the colour question (The Nineteenth Century, 17 1885)


Ridgway, Robert A nomenclature of colors for naturalists (Little, Brown, Boston 1886)

Standage, H C The artists's manual of pigments (Janentzky & Webber, Philadelphia 1886)

Tietoja kaikille (1886) [sisältää mm. kalkkimaalin ohjeen]


Scott, Taylor J A Descriptive Handbook of Modern Water-Colour Pigments Illustrated with Seventy-two Colour Washes Skilfully... (Winsor & Newton Ltd, Lontoo 1887)


Delitzch, Franz J. Iris. Farbenstudien und Blumenstcke (Dorffling & Franke, Leipzig 1888); käännetty englanniksi Iris: Studies in color and talks about flowers (T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh 1889)

Hildebrandt, R Athene Glaukopis (Philologus 46, 1888)

Hummel, J J The Dyeing of Textile Fabrics (Cassell & Co Ltd, Lontoo 1888)

Veckenstedt, Edmund Geschichte der griechischenb Farbenlehre: Das Farbenbezeichnungen d r griechischen Epiker von Homer bis Quintus Smyrnäus (F. Schöningh, Paderborn 1888)


Dorvault L'officine, ou repertoire general de pharmacie pratique

Henry, C Cecle chromatique prsentant tous les complments et toutes les harmonies de couleurs (Pariisi 1889)


Church, Sir Arthur The Chemistry of Paints and Painting (Seeley Service & Co. Limited, Lontoo 1890, 1901, 1915)

Ewald, A. Die Farbenbewegund kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (Weidman, Berlin 1890)

Lacouture, Charles Rpertoire chromatique; solution raisonne et pratique des problmes les plus usuels dans l'tude et l'emploi des couleurs (Gauthier-Villars, Pariisi 1890)

Tassart C L Les matieres colorantes


Abney, William de Wiveleslie Colour measurement and mixture (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Lontoo 1891)

Boas, Franz Second General Report on the Indians of British Columbia (Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1890, Murray, Lontoo 1891)

Maatalous-rakennuksia (1891) [sisältää mm. kalkkimaalin ohjeen]


Boas, F. Vocabulary of the Kwakiutl Language (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Mac Calla, Philadelphia 1892)

Lehner, S Manufacture of Inks (käännöksessä lisäyksiä: W T Bryant) (H C Baird & Company, Philadelphia 1892)

Standage, H C The use and abuse of colours and media in oil painting: A handbook for artists and art students (Reeves & Sons, Lontoo 1892)

Vibert, J G The science of painting (Percy Young, Lontoo 1892)


Guaita, Luigi La scienza dei colori e la pittura (Hoepli, Milano 1893)

Knecht, E & Rawson, C & Loewenthal, R A Manual of dyeing: for the use of practical dyers, manufacturers, students, and all those interested in the art of dyeing. 1893 (II painos: Charles Griffin and Company Ltd, Lontoo 1910)

Lovibond, Joseph W. Measurement of light and colour sensations (George Gill and Sons, Lontoo 1893)

Prang, Louis Color instruction (Boston 1893)

Tivoli, A I colori nelle locuzioni italiane (Torino 1893)


Mauthner, Ludwig Farbenlehre (Wiesbaden 1894)


Abney, William de Wiveleslie Colour vision: Being the Tyndall lectures delivered in 1894 at the Royal Institution (S. Low, Marston, Lontoo 1895)

Maycock, Mark A class-book for color teachers (Buffalo, New York 1895, Milton Bradley, Springfield 1895)


Connolly, R M Social Life in Fanti-Land (Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 26 1897)


Garbasso, A. Lezioni sperimentali sulla luce, considerata come fenomeno elettromagnetico (Hoepli, Milano 1898)

Pratt, Alice Edwards The use of color in the verse of the English romantic poets (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1898)

Roret Origine des materieres tinctoriales


Bugge, A. Studier over de Norske Byers Selvstyre og Handel for Hanseaternes Tid Christiania

Ott, André G Étude sur les couleurs en vieux franais (E. Bouillon, Pariisi 1899)

Suomen Teollisuuslehti (1899) [sisältää mm. kalkkimaalin ohjeen]